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Our curriculum design ensures that children are able to navigate the internet safely and responsibly. They will have a good understanding of how to keep themselves safe online and be aware of all the potential dangers and risks associated with the online world. 


Our curriculum follows the Education for a Connected World framework that splits e-safety into eight different strands. These are: self-image and identity, online relationships, online reputation, online bullying, managing online information, health, well-being and lifestyle, privacy and security and copyright and ownership. 

These strands have been chosen as we recognise the importance of keeping safe online. As children grow older, it is crucial that they learn to balance the benefits offered by technology with a critical awareness of their own and others' online behaviour and develop effective strategies for staying safe and making a positive contribution online.

Lessons are taught every half-term through a range of structures, with some led by discussion, some with practical activities and occasionally with written work. Lessons are taught systematically following a structured curriculum tailored to the needs of our pupils. Where required, teachers may deliver additional lessons throughout the half-term in response to any needs that arise.


Assessment for learning is carried out following classroom discussions and written work which identifies areas of strength and weakness. Subsequent lessons can then be used to address any misconceptions or areas requiring further input.

Our ultimate aim is for children to confidently navigate the internet safely and also discuss and share knowledge with their peers in relation to this. We also hope to decrease the number of issues arising from unsafe use of technology.

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